Friday, August 1, 2008

2 weeks and counting down the days!

Well guys we now have exactly 17 days until Katie Bella graces this world with her beautiful little face. Has this been easy? NOPE! Ok so here's the update...
Last Friday while Justin was at work I started having contractions at 5pm which were 30 minutes apart...not bad, I know. So I decided to wait it out. Then around 6:30 they were 15 minutes apart...hold the phone...I am not suppose to go into Labor, I have a C-section scheduled. So we pack the girls up and go straight to Labor and Delivery at the hospital (my doctor was on vacation). After being monitored for an hour they came in and decided to give me a shot of Terbutaline to stop the contractions. The on call doc had no interest in slicing and dicing without Dr. Riley in town (I cant say I don't blame her). Turns out that Terbutaline has a couple of side effects (ie rapid heart beat) so we had to stay and be "watched". At one point my heart rate was 130 and Katie's was 212, it got kind of scary!!!! So eventually both Katie and I came back down and we were sent home.
On Thursday I had my regular weekly checkup. So I pack the girls up and we go. Typical at first...urine sample, weight (lost 3 more lbs) then it was time for my BP. 158/98...WAIT WHAT!!???!!! My blood pressure is usually very low. I told the nurse that I have been having these "episodes" for a couple of weeks now. Cold sweat, nausea, blurred vision, etc. She said she would tell Dr. Riley. Ok, so in walks Riley. I had to have my "weekly dialation check" (OH JOY) and he felt little miss perfects head (He said she should have quite the head full of hair). Then he decided to listen for her was 180 and was not going back to normal (normal at this stage in utero is 125-140). He pulls me up and says you are going to the hospital. HUH????!!!!??? Ok, why? Well my BP is up and Katie is in stress if this keeps up we are going to deliver this baby today. WTH? Taylor hops on her cell phone (mine is at home dead as usual) and calls Justin to tell him to get to the hospital NOW!!!! Then we call my mom. So we finally get checked in the hospital and we are given a room (which kind of freaked me out too, usually they just throw you in triage). After one hour of being monitored and Tyna (grandma) and Matt (uncle) and Justin racing to the hospital to be by our side we are released. My blood pressure finally fell to normal and Katie's heart rate fell within normal range. Thank goodness. The whole time I kept thinking...what is going on, We are not ready for this kid to come yet. The house is not nearly as clean as I like it (catching up on laundry takes a toll on the house) Katie has no sheets on her bed, my bags are not packed and if I am not mistaken I have a load of dishes to do. Not to mention no one has fed gizmo today! So needless to say if this has taught me anything it is to be prepared and ready at a minutes notice. If Katie wants to come early then she will and we have to be prepared. So for now I will be waking every morning to my check list of daily duties that will be done before anything else so that I will not be stressed by my "what I need to do today" list. I figure if we go into Labor anytime soon if will be tomorrow. Mom and I are taking the girls school clothes shopping and we will have Kryssy too. Ok clothes shopping with a teen and a pre teen is bad enough now throw an obstinate 3 year old into the mix and you have the perfect recipe for a crazy day that could possibly shock both Katie and I into Labor. WE WILL SEE....

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