Wednesday, August 27, 2008

From an exhausted mommy

As today is my actual first day alone at home with Katie Bella a flood of thoughts rushed into my head, don't ask me why, I think the exhaustion is starting to wear on me. She is now 1 week and 2 days old and I believe that I may have slept a total of 4-5 hours a night. This may seem like a normal amount of sleep for some of you but I am here to tell you it is not enough. I actually broke down in tears on Sunday due to the fact that I was feeling quite overwhelmed with the whole situation. You see I haven't actually done the "new mother" thing in about 9 years and it is not like riding a bike. I forgot all of the late night feedings and stinky diaper changes, the lack of sleep, post partum blues, forgetting to actually comb your hair, forgetting to eat and checking on a very sleepy baby every 5 minutes to make sure she is still breathing. Justin thinks I have lost my mind. He has told me on many occasions to just let her sleep, but I still get out of the bed and walk around to her crib and jiggle her every couple of minutes to make sure that she is still ok. Its starting to take its toll though because my sleep is never deep enough to allow me to rest. SHE IS WORTH IT ALL THOUGH! Last night as I stumbled down the hall with Katie Bella in tow I realized that I had puke in my hair (so not like me) and my boobs were leaking down my shirt and that I had only had 30 minutes of sleep. I started to laugh and think "motherhood really does change things". But enough about me, lets talk about the one that brought us all to this page....KATIE BELLA! She is doing so well, she is the love of our lives and we are so happy that she is finally here with us. I struggled to get pregnant for many years and to finally have this sweet little girl in my arms is an answered prayer. She was certainly meant to be. She had her first dr check up on Monday and Dr. Hixson was wonderful with her, he loved on her the whole time we were in the office. She is in the 50% on her head circumference and for her height. Her weight, well that's a different matter! When she was born she was 8lbs exactly, we left the hospital at 7lbs 6oz and we weighed in at 7lbs 2oz on Monday so this little girl gets to go back to the doctor on Friday to be weighed again. She can stay at 7lbs 2 oz or she can gain weight but if she loses any weight they are going to put her back in the hospital. This is something I do not want to even think about so I am trying to block it out of my mind. I will check back in on Friday and update you all as to her condition!

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