Friday, August 22, 2008

Welcome to the world...Katie Bella!!!

Katie Bella was born on 08/18/08 at 7:52 am. She weighed 8 lbs exactly and was 19.5 inches long with a head full of brown hair and already has blond highlights and I didn't even have to take her to the salon for them. We love her more than life itself. She has been more than a joy to have around even though she is quite the diva.


Not much to report on that really. We didn't sleep much, due to the anticipation of of sweet girl on Sunday night. I think Justin and I slept a total of 2 hours. We were up and at it around 3 am and on our way to meet our girl by 4 am. None of the family was going to be there until 6am so Justin and I enjoyed our last moments alone together. Once the girls, mom, Justin's mom and dad and sister showed up that place was a mad house. Not long after though (30 minutes) they were walking me back to the OR. After a tearful goodbye (I was sooooo scared) and screaming to my girls that their mother loved them I was in the OR. POOR NURSES HAD NO IDEA WHAT THEY WERE IN FOR! I was given my spinal block which went well, this was the procedure that put me into respiratory distress with Taylor so I was quite happy when all went well. They laid me down on the table and I went numb, all but my mouth went numb. For the next 45 minutes I talked about any and everything I could think of. I think my thought process was if I continued to talk then I could not die because I would be too busy talking. The poor anesthesiologist was in no way prepared for me as I checked my blood pressure and heart rate more than he did. Little did he know that I am in the medical profession and knew exactly what to look for. He was a sweet heart though and just let me do my thing. At one point my bp was 80/54 and my heart rate was 151, and I about jumped off the table, but bless his heart he just kept pumping me full of drugs. The told me that the more versed they gave me the more I talked, the versed should have knocked me the hell out. At 7:52 it literally felt like a weight had been lifted off of my stomach and all I heard was "WHOA" and "That's a huge baby" and "That girl is BIG" this scared the holy crap out of me because I still had not seen her and was expecting them to lift a female football player over the curtain. Then the moment of truth, they stuck her sweet face over the curtain and my life changed forever. I saw her out of the corner of my eye as they were cleaning her up and thought "she is tiny"....just goes to show you the difference of opinions. Her apgars were 8-9 for the first and a solid 9 for the second and third. She was healthy and beautiful, what more could I ask for? After the surgery they wheeled me back into the recovery room and brought us our sweet girl. That afternoon they came to me and told me there was a problem, my eyes starting tearing and I immediately felt a lump in my throat. Katie Bella had some fluid in her lungs and they had taken some blood work and done a chest x-ray which was not showing pneumonia, so that was a relief. Her blood work was showing an infection due to the fluid and they were unsure that she would be able to leave the nursery. So 8 hours after I had been gutted I got out of bed and ran to the nursery to be with my baby. I sat in there with Justin and cried. 20 minutes after we left they were bringing her into the room, her pediatrician had given her the green light, just a minor infection but she would have to stay an extra day for her antibiotics. That poor baby still has bruises on both of her hands from the IV's. All in all our stay was wonderful, our nurses for the most part were awesome, with the exception of one, but hell there is always that one that is just in the wrong profession. We brought her home yesterday and she did very well. Mom has had the girls all week so they came over to "bond" with their sister and then they were back off to grannys. Katie Bella and I stayed up most of the night as she is still trying to adjust to "life". Right now however she is sound asleep and has been so since 3pm (its not 6pm) which is pretty darn good for a breast fed baby.

I want to thank everyone that came to the hospital to see her. You are all such a big part of my life and I am so glad that you were there to share this with me. Aunt Cyndi, Aunt CeeCee, grandma and grandpa Barzee, Aunt Khristyna, Uncle Joe, Adam, Alyssa, Mom, Taylor, Emily, Kryssy, Amy and Bud you guys are awesome and we love you all! Well I am off to wake my girl up so that I can feed her but I will be posting many updates on here for you all to keep up with her. We love you all!

-Amy, Justin and all of our girls!

1 comment:

Mindy B said...

YEAH! So happy to hear the wonderful news! Your last blog really scared me! Can't wait to talk to you.
I'm also really jealous... i have 7 more days to go and I AM MISERABLE!!!!!
love you!