Friday, June 27, 2008

Hormones are getting the best of me, Baby shower, and so much more!

So last night as I sat in the dark, due to the fact that sleeping just does not come easy for me any longer, I happened upon a poem (the one below) and the tears started streaming. While the tears were flowing I thought "hmmm, I need to find a daddy poem for Justin"....bad idea! I found a ton, and the tears continued. So you can now imagine me sitting in the dark, Justin snoring like a hibernating bear in the background, sobbing uncontrollably. It was quite retarded! Anyway the reason for me telling you this is I found the perfect poem for him (from Katie Bella of course). I decided to keep it until the day she is born when I will have someone (one of the moms) give it to him while I am still in recovery. I figure that I should not be the only weepy one among the crowd! I know this is a bit silly, but again HORMONES ARE GETTING THE BEST OF ME! I am quite sentimental at this point in my pregnancy. Just thinking about her finally showing up gives me a huge lump in my throat. Ok, enough of that! LOL!

THE BABY SHOWER! Well first and foremost Thank Yous are in order...


Tyna and Rich

Mom and Rick

Chelsea (my preggo partner for at least another month and a half)



Thank you all for being such a huge part of my shower. You are some of the most awesome people and I cant and don't want to imagine my life without you all!

For those of you waiting on pictures....I didn't get any but several others did so I will post them as soon as they are sent to me. We received tons of wonderful things for our sweet little girl, and are very appreciative of everyone that was there and shared in this special day.

OTHER STUFF - Justin finally put the baby bed together and all I can say is OMG that thing is beautiful! Never before have I seen such a perfect little girls bed. I promise I will post pictures of that as well. Tyna (Justin's mom) is making all of the baby bedding for us and we picked out a beautiful pink/chocolate brown Matisse fabric (thank goodness Hancocks had 50% off that day or we would have spent a small fortune on that fabric). I cant wait until Katie Bella is here so she can see all the love that she is surrounded by.

MORE OTHERS - So Tyna and Mom are both working on blankets for Katie Bella. Mom is making a quilt with Emily for her and Tyna is making a quilt too. Mom and Em are working on a princess quilt and I know it is going to be one of the favorites. Tyna is working on a quilt (once again this made me cry) which on the inside has Justin's baby quilt (for the stuffing) and also has some material from Kryssy's bedding. Again this will be a favorite!

THE FINAL OTHER! - check out that belly picture! WHOA MOMMA!!! To date I have gained a whopping 30 lbs (all in the stomach region - its so big). I know for some of us (me included) that have been preggo before 30 lbs doesn't seem like much (with Tay I gained 80 lbs and Em I went from 115 to 232 - that's so embarrassing) but it is a ton when it is all central to one location! I really have no idea where my feet have gone! I cant get comfy in any position...sitting, standing, laying down, it just doesn't happen! And this little girl is quite the active one. You can see toes popping through my belly and feel entire feet and legs. Its so weird. But so worth it. I have always known that I would be the mother to a large family and until about a year ago thought this would never happen...all of the sudden it has so I am loving every minute of it.

More to come....I promise! I love you all!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Did you ever think!!!!

dear mother,
As the seeds of me you sowed,
As you breathed new life inside of me,
And slowly wached me grow,
In all your dreams about me,
When you planned me out so well,
When you couldnt wait to have me there,
Inside your heart to dwell,
Did you ever think that maybe,
I was planning for you too?
And choosing for my very own, A mother just like you?
A mother who smelled so very sweet and who had hands so creamy white,
A tender loving creature Who would soothe me in the night?
Did you ever think in all those days while you were coming Due, That as you planned a life for me, I sought a life with you?
And now as i lay in your arms, I wonder if you knew, While you were busy making me, I WAS CHOOSING YOU!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Katie Bella will be here on....


We can hardly wait to see our sweet little girls face! Not much longer though! (funny thing about her birth date - its also Mine and Justins anniversary of our first date - LOL)
Also, this week marks 5 straight weeks where I have not gained a pound....YAY ME!!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


LOL, no that doesn't stand for what you are thinking. It stands for Gestational Diabetes...which I dont have YAY! 3 weeks ago I had to take the standard glucose test for GD and a couple days later I got the call saying that my levels were out of range and that I could possibly have GD. FANTASTIC! So we set up an appointment to do the long drawn out 4 hour test. So last Friday poor baby Emily and I headed off to the dr's office for a long wait. We were armed with so many magazines I thought for sure that we would be fine. We get there and they draw my blood (#1 stick) and then I get to drink the glucose solution (YUM YUM!) it was foul to say the very least. One hour passes and we had actually survived the boredom with cosmo, glamour and a host of teeny magazines for Emily. They draw my blood again (stick #2) and this time that horrible cow left quite the bruise on my forearm (the only place she could get a good stick). So Em and I decide we are going to venture off to the nursery in the hospital to see the babies (just because we were sick of sitting in the uncomfortable waiting room chairs). We get up to the second floor of the hospital and the nursery was no where to be found. Em was quite upset by this as she wanted so badly to see the babies. I find this all too comforting so that random people can not just come "look" at my baby when she does get here. So we find a couch in the hospital waiting room and wait for the next hour to pass. Then back up to the dr office for more blood to be drawn (stick #3) and yet another bruise, I was really starting to hate the woman taking my blood! Ok Em only one more hour, lets go sit on the comfy couch again. We were mistaken to think the last hour would go by quickly, this hour seemed to take an eternity. 5 minutes until 11:45 (blood taking time) and Em and I jump up and quickly walk (me run - no way jose) to the dr's office for the fourth and final stick. THANK GOODNESS!!!! Did I mention I was unable to eat or drink after midnight the night before???? This included TUMS which I can not go a night without taking at least 5 of these damn things due to the outrageous heart burn that this baby gives me. So as you can imagine Em and I are starving!
Fast forward to one week later (that would be today) curiosity had gotten the best of me. I wanted to know the results already. Prior to today I had told myself that when they dr's office called I was going to wait a day to call them back just so that I could suck down my last bit of sugar before they gave me the bad news, as I was certain I had GD. However I could no longer wait, I didnt want to be hurting myself or Katie any longer if this was in fact our diagnosis. The nurse did not have the results so she would have to call me back...yea big surprise there! 2 hours later she calls back - the results are NO GD! YIPPPPPPPEEEEEEEE!!!! This sweet baby and I are FINE!!!! Such great news to my ears! I hated to think that she too would be a whopper at birth (Taylor weighed 9.5 and Emily was 9.12). So anywho, that is my update for now. I will be back soon with pics from the baby shower which is in one week and Khristyna and I have tons of shopping for today! HAVE A GREAT ONE! WE LOVE YOU!