Thursday, July 17, 2008

1 month to go!!!

So today at my doctor appointment I literally tried to bribe Dr. Riley into delivering this baby! He thought I was being funny - NO!!!!!! I was being serious. I would have given that man any amount of money that he wanted! OH WELL - you win some you lose some! Once again just your normal check up, her heartbeat was strong at 157 bpm, she is head down with her body located on the left side. I actually lost a pound this week, don't be alarmed I am still quite huge!!!! Dr. Riley said this is totally normal, a lot of preggo's lose weight in the weeks before labor. Sure whatever...just let me lose the other 32 lbs soon, I would love to be able to see my feet again and be able to shave my legs without all of the grunting and groaning. This little one has the hiccups on at least one occasion each day, which would not be so bad if they didn't last for up to 30 minutes at a time. It is the weirdest feeling in the world to have your pelvic bone "jumping" every other second for what seems like an eternity. Fetal movement is slowing at this point (she has no more room) and I am no longer getting all of the kicks and punches that I once was now I get the shifting and rolling around. I think these are much easier to handle due to the fact that they are not sooooo blunt!!!!!
On another note, we are finally in the new house. It feels good to have a home that is no longer just mine. I love sharing this with Justin. Before it was always Amy's house, now its our house. We had to move for many reasons....#1 we needed more bedrooms #2 at $1904 per month (not including the taxes and ins) that house was eating me alive. #3 Lake Forest subdivision was becoming not so safe anymore #4 Justin is starting school in a month and we needed something that I could afford on my salary alone. #5 the "stairs of doom" (I hated those stairs with a passion I was always scared one of the kids was going to fall) with Katie Bella coming those stairs had to GO! So you see there were quite a few reasons why we had to move. I honestly don't miss the old house at all, it had a lot of crappy memories in there made with a crappy person. Usually when you leave someone you don't want any memories of them either...and that's exactly what this house has to offer no memories of the idiot only new memories that our family will make together!

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