Thursday, March 27, 2008


Well, after 30 minutes of trying to get this little one to show us the goodies....It finally happened. She (that's right I said she) finally opened her legs and showed her world to us. Justin kept asking the tech what to look for and she told him "you need to look for something touching these thighs, but I hate to tell you what you are looking for is just not here." Even Dr. Riley came in and said "Another girl ::squirms::". Looks like our little family was just meant to be full of estrogen. And they are changing the due date too, not sure to what yet because we have an additional U/S in 3 weeks, at that time they will give us a more approx due date. She weighed in at a whopping 11oz. !!! And thanks to my original Emily for telling me to drink Mt. Dew 30 minutes before the U/S she was quite active, she kept kicking her little legs and even sucked her thumb for a couple of minutes. WE CANT WAIT TO MEET HER!