Tuesday, May 13, 2008

6 month update

We only have 2.5 months to go...YAY! She is still kicking, punching and rolling around in there. It makes me wonder if she is re decorating the inside of my belly. You know painting, re arranging her furniture, putting up pictures etc. etc. etc! LOL! I swear everyday that I look down I see more and more belly. I havent seen my feet in quite some time now. Its very sad, I had to have Justin paint my toenails the other day. Seems as if pedicures are out of the question due to the fumes in the salon. WHATEVER! Now my poor toenails look like a blind man painted them. Bless his heart he tried his hardest but they are a mess. We are getting more anxious as the days go by to meet our little girl. We constantly discuss what we think she is gonna look like and which features we hope that she gets from one another. Wondering if she will look like any of her sisters or if she will be the odd ball. We have even taken it so far as to do Punnett squares (i know i am a science nerd). As far as we can tell she should have light brown curly hair, and most likely green eyes. Now watch her come out with red hair and blue eyes...LMAO! Whatever she looks like I know she will be a living doll!!!! Anywho, I am posting some new pictures of this baby bump (I really dont think it should even be called a bump anymore more like a baby mountain). LOVE YOU ALL!

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