Thursday, May 15, 2008

13 more cm to go!

I know I just posted a blog the other day but we had a dr. visit today so I thought I would give you yet another update. So all we really did today was get a measurement for my fundal height and hear her heartbeat. This big ole belly of mine is measuring just perfect 26.5 cm which is fantastic becuase I am exactly 26 1/2 weeks. At this time Dr. Riley continues to tell me that if Katie and I continue to grow at the perfect pace I should expect at least 9-13 more cm of belly to be added before she arrives. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME???? This thing is already a mountain by the time she gets here this belly will be a continent. HOLY CRAP! As I was driving home from the doctors office I looked down an my monster belly and thought silently to myself "I only have about 2 more inches of space before my belly hits this steering wheel, and my chair is pushed back as far as possible" What is a little bity short girl to do? Not to mention while I am adding all of this extra "baby bump" we will be right in the middle of a typical Tennessee summer (for those of you that dont know that means HOTTTTTTT). After all these thoughts run through my mind I decide to call my mother and tell her. She laughed and said good Lord you will be wearing a tent. FANTASTIC! It will be 100 degrees with 80% humidity, my stomach will no longer resemble anything near cute, and I will be wearing a tent. Anyone know of any good tent makers...LOL?!?! On a more positive note I am just 1/2 a week away from entering the 3rd trimester. YAY ME! And not to mention her little heart was pounding away at 155 bpm. Dr. Riley said she was growing and her heart sounded perfect....well what did he expect WE ARE PERFECT! So I am now up to a visit every other week and have my glucose test scheduled for May 29th. I guess that is all for today. WE LOVE YOU ALL!

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