Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A quick update!

Ok Ok, so you have been asking for an update...here it is! Monday the little bundle of joy turned 7 weeks old. She is growing like a little weed, or so I think, everyone else tells me she is tiny. Her sleeping habits are pretty crappy if you ask me! She is up at night until at least 1 am and then goes to sleep until 3:45 and up for a feeding and then up again at 6:15 for another feeding, all because she is too lazy to finish more than an ounce per feeding during the night. But then the magic happens we take the big girls to school and come home, she gets in the bed with me and we sleep and sleep and sleep from about 8am until at least 1pm. I know what you are all thinking, YOU SLEEP UNTIL 1PM! Hello, I don't sleep at night so yes I do! I have to get sleep somewhere during the day and for now this will work! She is beginning to smile at everyone that will pay her even a little bit of attention, she doesn't care who you are she will smile at you. Its pretty cute if I may say so myself. That big toothless grin - AH there is nothing better! She is also beginning to coo at those who talk to her. Its hilarious because she has to work her way up to a voice coming out of her mouth. It takes the better part of 3 or 4 minutes talking to her and her trying to muster up that all elusive "agoo". But once she gets started there is no stopping her. She is also holding her head up pretty well. Don't get me wrong, this baby hates tummy time with a passion, if you even try to lay her on a blanket on the floor she gets wild. She cries until she makes herself gag (its pretty ridiculous if you ask me). But she loves to sit up and stand up. This little one will be just like her big sisters and be walking before she is 10 months old. She is sooo strong when she stands and she kicks her little feet up and down almost like she is already walking...it makes us giggle! I would say that she is weighing about 9 or 10 lbs now. The newborn clothes are no longer fitting mostly because she is getting taller and she in now up to 0-3 month clothes. She still has her big blue eyes so I am pretty sure that is the color she has chosen to stick with. Her hair still has those precious little blond highlights but now she also has an auburn highlight. She just might be one of those lucky ones that never has to get highlights and low lights from the salon for a whopping $200.00. Funny thing is she has NO eyebrows. The are so light that you just cant see them unless you are up close and personal. If you ask me I would say she really doesn't look like me at all other than her profile. If you look at her from the side she looks just like me, turn her face forward however and you are looking at a spitting image of Justin. From the long eyelashes, blue eyes and pouty little lips all the way to her dimples in her cheeks and chin. I will try to get some videos up of her later next week!
Love you all!

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